Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Waiting and Venting

It's true what they say, that at the end of your pregnancy you really do feel like you are going to be pregnant forever.  I miss being able to walk to the restroom without the fear of peeing on myself.  I miss the days when I could sit outside on my porch on a warm summer night and throw back a couple cold ones.  I miss being able to breathe when I lay down or when I take the stairs!  I miss the days where I could roll over onto my tummy in bed without fearing I was crushing someone and it felt comfortable!  Hell- I just miss being able to get out of bed without having to roll off of it!

The best is when people tell you "it will all be worth it in the end".  Well thanks for that Captain Obvious.  ;)
No I kid- I joke.  I know people are just looking for the bright side to make me feel better but I do that everyday with everything in my life.  I'm always the glass-half-full person! I deserve the chance to vent every once in a while! 

Of course I know it will all be worth it, of course I'm super excited to have my little girl in my arms but that doesn't mean I can't complain about all the pain in the butt stuff that comes with this little miracle.  Plus most of the time I make my complaining into something that has others rolling on the floor laughing.  If men were to have to go through this they'd be crying and whining every second of it- FACT.  Have you ever seen a man that is sick? It’s ridiculous.  There I am taking care of myself through it all but he's dying from a simple head-cold!  Every single thing in your life changes when you get pregnant and it's assumed that women are just supposed to smile and be thankful? 

I keep saying- give me 15 minutes in a high school classroom and there would be a SIGNIFICANT drop in teenage pregnancy!

I feel like women are made to feel ashamed if they complain about the not so wonderful things that come with pregnancy, that complaining makes you ungrateful, petty, a bad mother-to-be.  If anything I think keeping it all inside and not sharing your woes will only make things worse and cause more stress.  Venting is a great way to release some of that stress; it's a normal human response -so vent away you pregnant chicks!

I wanted to get pregnant so badly and when it took longer than I thought, there were people that made me feel bad for venting about that pain.  But talking about it made it seem less painful and usually I found out from my venting that they too had experienced similar frustrations.  Sharing the experience made me feel less alone.

So to all the pregnant women out there I say get together with other pregnant chicks and just have a venting session!  The swollen joints, the breathing difficulties, the morning sickness that reappears in the third trimester, the clothes that you are running out of because you won't stop growing, the inability to see down past your belly button, the weird pains, the fatigue, the sciatic pain, the waddling that has taken over your normal walk, the lack of sleep, the heartburn, the leg cramps and every other thing that may be bothering you.  Don't let anyone make you feel bad for complaining!  Once you have all of that out of your system you can focus on the wonderful ending of all this misery- your sweet baby. 

Complaining about pregnancy doesn't make you a bad mom-to-be, it doesn't mean you aren't grateful for the little miracle that will soon be joining you in this world- it just means you are human.  So vent away and I'll listen and nod and maybe laugh a few times with you.  Laughter can get you through almost anything and if you can find a way to laugh about constipation then you can get through anything!

I'm over the moon excited for this little one- she's on my mind all the time and it brings me to tears thinking about how much I love her already.  Just like everything else in life- if you can make it through this you can make it through anything because whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!

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